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Xiaomi Mi 9 Cepheus IMEI Repair

Xiaomi Mi 9 Cepheus IMEI Repair

If you upload the files I have shared to your phone and computer, and perform any other operations, you are responsible for any adverse situations you may encounter.
NOTE: It is not legal to change the IMEI numbers of the means of communication. Please use your device's original imei numbers. These procedures only explain how to perform repairs in case of damage to the modem parts that hold your phone's IMEI numbers for some reason.
The bootloader lock of your phone is turned on, twrp recovery is installed and root operations must be done before this process.

Required Applications and Files:

Mi 9 QCN File

HxD Hex Editor

Imece Converter


1. HxD and install the application on your computer after downloading all the files qpst above, and Uninstall the IMEI Convertor application from the archive.
2. Run the HxD application and open the mi9.qcn file you downloaded.
3. Open the Search dialog with CTRL + F and switch from the Text-string tab to the Hex-values ​​tab. Type
08 1A 32 54 76 98 10 32 54 in the search field
and search. This code is the hexadecimal number of 123456789012345.
4. Find the original imei number in the box, invoice or back of your phone, open the IMEI Convertor, type it in the enter imei field, and then press the Convert imei button. The application will generate the hex version of your imei number. Copy this hex code and replace it with the hex code
08 1A 32 54 76 98 10 32 54 in the qcn file you opened with HxD and
save the file.
5. Turn off your phone and start it in recovery mode. When the TWRP screen appears, connect your phone to the computer and run the following commands via the adb shell:
dd if = / dev / zero of = / dev / block / sdf1
dd if = / dev / zero of = / dev / block / sdf5
dd if = / dev / zero of = / dev / block / sdf6
6. Restart your phone with the twrp reboot code on the adb reboot or shell screen. Once your phone is turned on, activate the adb shell screen again, get root privileges with the su command and
setprop sys.usb.config diag,
activate the diag port with the adb command.
7. Open qPST Configuration by typing qpst in the Start menu. Select Start Clients from the menu bar and then Software Download.
8. In this window, select the Restore tab, select the qcn file that you saved your imei number just before the file. Select the Use Filter check box and select default from the Available Filter drop-down list and press the arrow button.
9. Finally, press the Start button and wait for the qcn file to be downloaded to your phone.
10. After the above operation is successful, restart your phone and call * # 06 # in the phone application to see if your imei address is available.
Note: Unfortunately, the registered imei number for sim1 cannot be repaired. You can use your sim card by inserting it into the sim2 slot. You may need to do this again if you reset your phone to the factory settings.

Sent using Tapatalk from my MI 9 device

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